Welcome to the SPA
At Psychiatric Emergency Service Amsterdam (SPA), healthcare practitioners are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide urgent support to young people and adults with (very) serious acute psychiatric, psychological and psychopathological problems, sometimes in combination with an addiction.
Both during and outside office hours, it possible to reach out to the healthcare practitioners at SPA. Contact us via the central emergency number 020 523 54 33. For specific care in your environment, there are special crisis teams who can help you deal with the situation you are facing.
SPA offers care to people with acute psychiatric problems. These range from serious psychological problems in their social life to very serious mental health problems. Addiction can also be a contributing factor to psychiatric problems.
Immediate support in a crisis
If you find yourself in a crisis situation or you know someone in your immediate environment who is at risk of crisis and you want to help, contact the treating practitioner directly.
Are you not yet in treatment?
- Contact your GP.
If your GP is unavailable, contact:
- The out-of-hours GP service on 088-00 30 600
- The A&E department of a general hospital
- or if necessary the police.
Closely involved persons
At SPA, cooperation and contact with the client’s environment are highly valued. This takes the form of a ‘triad approach’ of cooperation in the ‘triangle’ of client, environment (closely involved persons) and treatment practitioner. This is important for a number of reasons:
- Closely involved persons can often provide important additional information that can help in making an assessment and deciding on treatment;
- Closely involved persons often have questions and concerns that need to be addressed;
- Contact with the environment can help prevent or alleviate a client’s sense of isolation;
- A form of interaction can arise between a client’s psychological problems and relationships with others. In other words: to fully understand the client’s problem, we also need a clear idea of the client’s relationships with his or her environment. Together, we can then try to solve the problems.
When are you a closely involved person?
A closely involve person is someone who is close to someone else. SPA considers you a closely involved person if someone in your immediate environment needs psychiatric support. They may be a family member, friend, partner, colleague or house mate.
Suicide prevention
Are you worried that someone may commit suicide or are you having suicidal thoughts yourself?
Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie
Call anonymously on 0800-0113
Read about what you can do if you need help now: https://www.113.nl/english. This website also offers an anonymous chat service with the staff of 113.
Security plan suicide prevention
Are you worried that someone in your environment is at risk of committing suicide? We can offer you a security plan. The security plan is a useful reminder of what to do in an emergency situation. The security plan can be downloaded here, in a number of languages.
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